I want to add one more thing. When we are talking about freedom of expression, that implies freedom of expression of thought. Freedom of opinion means freedom of expression of thought. But when we're talking about expression, we may express our thoughts, and at the same time we may express feelings. Okay? Now, they don't have freedom of expression of thought, of course, and they don't even have freedom of expression, of feeling freely. That's what he means.
In addition, they don't have the freedom of feeling freely. You know what? If you express your feeling, then it is expressed. For instance, Jang Song-thaek, Kim's uncle, was executed. One of the crimes he committed was that he clapped half-heartedly. That was one of the crimes. You have to clap full-heartedly. This means that you cannot express your feelings freely. He clapped half-heartedly because he didn't feel good, you know. In other words, they even control how you feel. If I have time outside of this committee meeting, I can talk with you. Because you said that you are an artist, I hope we can continue our discussion later. Thank you.