We also have Sudan militias that are at the border there of the Greater Upper Nile region. You have the JEM, which is the Justice and Equality Movement, members. You have SPLM-N, north, members. You have members of the Tora Bora. All those militias are those who are very active in the Upper Nile state where they are being funded and they are being supported by the Kiir regime to fight.
This is very clear, it was found, in regard to the war in Bentiu, whereby many of the them said they were in Bentiu for the sake of being traders, to sell their things. While all of the people after the war broke ran to UNMISS camps, they themselves were outside. They were soldiers and they were fighting along with the Kiir government. For that reason, many of them lost their lives. Just to tell you, the allied forces are really damaging, and beside the Ugandans, they have used cluster bombs on our people. This is not something that we were expecting because cluster bombs are banned all over the world, but even the UN will support that there were clusters bombs used in Bor county.
Just to reinforce what Henry was saying, this conflict would have come to an end if there had not been any support from Uganda and the militias in north Sudan. We would have talked and we would have been clear, like in our own homes. You cannot fight in your own home and run to your neighbour to bring somebody who will come to add more fuel in the fight, when the brothers alone are the ones who are fighting inside.
Thank you.