At the moment, as far as I know, there are no large-scale Canadian investment projects. From what we see, the situation is far too high risk, and I think that so far, Canadian businesses understand that and have not been.... There are no Canadian mining projects active at the moment, as far as we know.
To add to that, though, I believe that one of the things Jessica was saying in terms of having a conflict-sensitive approach is that it's really broadly speaking, so it's definitely in terms of trade, but also in terms of development. It's surprisingly easy to actually fuel conflict. For example, if you support the government in bringing a school into an ethnic community and they are teaching a government-controlled curriculum, this can fuel further tensions and will not actually do the good work that you're trying to do.
Almost all of the embassies in Rangoon, as far as I know, have conflict experts on staff. I believe the Canadian embassy does not yet have one, so that might be something that would be of assistance. I'm not sure, though.