Because of the lack of funding, we are unable to support the women, unfortunately. We always take information from them, but we also have a plan to work with women survivors to build a survivor movement and also to provide shelters and counselling for these women.
In the conflict areas it is difficult to keep track of the survivors. After they have been raped, they secretly move to other areas. Sometimes the village has been burned down and they move to other areas, so it has been difficult, but as long as we can do it, there are safe houses in some areas. We set up safe houses with support from Inter Pares through the Burma Relief Centre. We also try to raise awareness and hold discussions within the ethnic community about violence against women and also on the international violence against women day.
We also support those who are in need of emergency assistance. For example, if they need to refer the case to the courts, they might need some funding for that. We don't have enough funding, but we can contribute a bit. If they need medical assistance, for instance, or if they need to be referred to the hospital due to their injuries, we can contribute a bit, but it's not fully supported because we don't have full funding for that.