The problem among ordinary Sinhala people in Sri Lanka is that they are fed lies. I know I keep saying that I don't use these expressions lightly, but I don't. They're quite clearly just fed categorical lies.
There was an article in the government-sponsored Daily News. There was a full-page investigation into me that quoted e-mails I had been sent by my Tamil Tiger commander instructing me to make these three programs. It described meetings that I had with Adele Balasingham, who is the wife of one of the Tamil Tiger leaders, in my office in Channel 4. This material is believed in Sri Lanka.
The fact is, I don't have an office in Channel 4. I'm a freelancer. I have never met Adele Balasingham in my life. The idea that the Tamil Tigers would pay me to call them war criminals who use terror tactics and shoot civilians and child soldiers is laughable, but actually it is believed in Sri Lanka, and people are denied access to anything resembling truth. That's one of the great problems in terms of getting people to question what the government is doing.
I'm sorry, but I've forgotten the second part of your question.