Yes. I think the problem is that it was completely ignored at the time.
In its first meeting after the end of the war, I remember that the United Nations Human Rights Council extraordinarily and shamefully passed the resolution congratulating Sri Lanka on ending the war.
In a sense, the truth is beginning to come out, in that the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, which was so surprisingly and appallingly held in Sri Lanka, did actually focus attention to some extent on what's happening.
I hope that perhaps there is a low-level growing awareness of what went on and that the news is beginning to get out. As I mentioned earlier, the problem is that it's seen as a question of historical accountability rather than an urgent matter of addressing human rights abuses and ensuring that this doesn't happen again.
That urgency is what people don't appreciate. There is a growing awareness, in an academic sense, that terrible things happened and that perhaps in the due course of law and justice something should be done. However, I don't think there's an awareness of how potentially dangerous and volatile the continuing oppression and the continual denial of human rights is, and of the trouble and potential violence building up for the future which is represented by that. That is the message that has to be got across; in particular, it's a message that has to be got across to the non-aligned countries.
For example, I showed the film to one African delegation, and I sent it to South American diplomats, and they were truly and genuinely shocked and taken aback. If that kind of message can be got out.... I'm hoping that we can raise the funds, because at the moment, we have absolutely no funds whatsoever, despite what the government says about our Tamil Tiger funding. We're hoping to do a tour of Latin American countries and some African countries in the buildup to the UN meeting, to show this film to people just to get the word out.
It's a difficult low-level process, which I think is slowly getting through, but whether people understand the urgency and the importance of it, I'm not sure.