Colleagues, we will now begin the 62nd meeting of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Today is March 26, 2015. This meeting is being televised.
We've had a number of hearings into the treatment of religious minorities in Bangladesh. Today, to continue those hearings, we have on behalf of the Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council, Anuradha Bose, who is that organization's adviser on parliamentary and governmental affairs.
Ms. Bose, welcome to the subcommittee. I just want to advise you that normally we ask our presenters to keep their presentations to 10 minutes or less. We don't impose this as a discipline, but the briefer the presentation, the longer the time available for questions and answers with the various members here. That tends to be the most productive part of the meeting, in my experience. We will turn things over to you, and when you are finished, we will go to those questions and answers. Please begin your testimony.