Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I want to commend both our witnesses for their exemplary and excellent testimony.
Since I have an extra minute and a half, I'll put two questions, one for each of you.
The first question is for Maziar Bahari.
You shared with us some of your initiatives in terms of journalism is not a crime and education is not a crime, and the last, as you mentioned, dogs are not a crime. You mentioned that if you had more time, you might elaborate on some of this. I'd like to give you more time on any of those issues.
Dr. Shaheed, as we've said, we've been having Iran Accountability Week while the nuclear negotiations have overshadowed, if not sanitized, the human rights violations. We wanted to sound the alarm on these human rights violations. How can we try to help to make sure this alarm is being heard?
We'll start with you, Maziar.