Order, please.
Fellow members, today is May 7, 2015, and this is the 69th meeting of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development.
We are televised today, so don't do anything you don't want your mom to see.
Colleagues, we have with us today two witnesses as an ongoing part of what we've been calling Iran Accountability Week. It's actually several weeks. We're reviewing the human rights situation in Iran.
Testifying first, from the United Nations, is Ahmed Shaheed. He is the special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Testifying after him will be Maziar Bahari, who is a journalist and filmmaker.
Colleagues, we will do this the normal way. We will listen to the presentations of our two witnesses. When they are done, we will divide up the remaining time among the six members of the committee, and that will determine how long we have for questions and answers.
My understanding is that Mr. Shaheed will begin.
I invite you to begin your testimony, please.