Order, please.
Good afternoon, dear colleagues. I welcome you to the 70th meeting of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Today's meeting is televised.
Today we'll be continuing our look at Vietnam, a topic that has kept our attention over a number of years.
As a witness, we're going to have Manh Hung Pham, who is here with a translator. In case you're wondering, the translator will translate both from English or French to Vietnamese, and from Vietnamese into one of our official languages, which will then sequentially be translated into the official languages by the translators here. This will cause our proceedings to be slower than they would otherwise be, particularly during the questions and answers. Unfortunately, it will reduce the amount of time we have, but I'll be asking for your generosity with regard to seeing the clock as not yet being at two, and also to sharing times so whoever has to leave early gets to do the questioning—but we'll let all that stuff wait.
In the meantime, to our witness, welcome to the committee. We're glad to have you here, and we invite you to begin your presentation.
Thank you.