I now call the meeting to order.
Welcome to the 75th meeting of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Today is June 4, 2015, and our meeting is being televised.
Colleagues, this is another meeting where we are looking at the human rights situation in Vietnam. We have two witnesses with us in the room today, Khue-Tu Nguyen, who's the commissioner for human rights for the Vietnamese Canadian Federation, and Thang Nguyen, the president and chief executive officer of Boat People SOS. Also with us by video conference from Los Angeles is Dieu Cay, a blogger.
If it's okay with the witnesses, we will simply take you in the order given here. I'm sure you've been briefed by our clerk that you should each give a relatively brief submission. I know that you have a lot to say, but once we've gone through all of the submissions, we'll then determine how much time is left and divide up the number of questions among the members of Parliament based on how much time we have.
Let's begin, then, with Ms. Nguyen, s'il vous plaît.