Thank you very much.
Thank you, frankly, to the committee and to the chair for taking this on at several of your meetings. I know the tremendous demands that are on your plate. Thank you for taking this issue up.
I have to say, Mr. Kanat, I have heard your comments many times, and it's a continued repeat that everything is good, everything is fine, they're all terrorists, and all the rest of it. I think, frankly, Canada has respected Turkey as a NATO partner. I am the past chair of the Canada-Turkey parliamentary friendship group. I said “past” because I am no longer in that position. I could no longer stay quiet, and I don't believe Canada should stay quiet. I think it's far too long that we have given a level of respect to Turkey to solve the problems they were dealing with and to resume respect for democracy and human rights. I believe that time is up. It is time that the rest of the world starts standing up and demanding that our friend Turkey started respecting their citizens and releasing the many people who are there under detention under very little actual evidence. The fact that Turkey has used state of emergency measures six times has to tell you that it's overstepping where it's going.
What do you think Turkey is going to look like a year from now if you continue on the same path that Turkey is on now? What's Turkey going to look like a year from now? Do you think Turkey will have any friends left in the world?