You're talking as if the coup never happened and democracy was continuing on in Turkey, which it is not. We continue to see human rights violated. Women, the wives of many of the people who are detained, have fled to Georgia. They have no passports. They're stuck with their families in isolation, in hiding, so afraid of getting picked up and taken back to Turkey. Some of their husbands have already been successful in Canada. I have met with many of them. You continue to detain dual citizens and have finally given them consular access after months.
I turned my comments over to Mr. Kanat because I wanted to ensure that Mr. Kanat knew my comments on what he has been saying—that I've heard that for several years, and I am no longer being patient and giving you space to do what I believe Turkey is doing when it's violating and should no longer be part of NATO at all.
Mr. Neve, thank you so much for being here and for the great work you do as Amnesty International. Regarding the five dual citizens who are being detained, we seem to have not been able to make any progress whatsoever in having their cases moved up and the individuals returned to Canada for justice here, if necessary. Do you have any other suggestions as to things we could do that would assist there?