That's exactly right. You actually saw a double-digit percentage increase in the Revolutionary Guards' budget right after the joint comprehensive plan of action was agreed to. There's no better indication of the regime's priorities than looking at its formal budget, which showed a prioritization for the Revolutionary Guards—the most repressive element of the Iranian system—not to mention this entire off-the-books budget.
I mentioned part of that, which is run by the supreme leader, called the Execution of Imam Khomeini's Order...this $200-billion conglomerate which was built on the backs of Iranians. They actually illegally expropriated Iranian private property to build this real estate empire. There's no better indication of the Iranian regime's priorities than what it did after the JCPOA, where with over $100 billion in oil revenue, access to oil markets, and now an expanding economy, it prioritized the Revolutionary Guards, Bashar al-Assad, Hezbollah, the slaughter abroad, and the repression at home over the economic needs of their people.