If you read Western Union's report, every year, an amount equivalent to $10 billion is sent by the Congolese diaspora to family members. I can even tell you that, if there were no Congolese in the diaspora, the current situation in the Congo would be much worse because the Congolese government does not support anything.
I went to the Congo twice last year. I can tell you that hospitals lack everything. They have no resources. People must pay even for pills for a headache. Often, when the Congolese on the ground are facing various problems—be they social, humanitarian, economic or other in nature—the diaspora gets involved to provide funding.
As for unity in the diaspora, I must tell you that the Congolese people are independently and individually leaving the Congo to seek out a better life here, in Canada, and around the world. So we come with diverging objectives, of course, but we manage to get organized. Humanitarian work is a fairly complex field. I have worked in the francophone community here, in Ontario, at the AFO, the Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario, at the ACFO, the Association canadienne française de l'Ontario, and the UP-MREF, the Union provinciale des minorités raciales ethnoculturelles francophone. You could not find a single converging voice, simply because people have various ways of seeing things and different points of view.
To come back to the Congolese community, we have created at the federal level a round table called the Table de concertation des présidents de la communauté congolaise du Canada. Through that round table, we share converging ideas to see to what extent we can push the impetus toward projects that can help the Congolese get together and work even harder to provide assistance. We first must contribute to Canada's effort, since we are in Canada, and also create a dynamism we can use to help Canada benefit from Congolese people's contribution, as well. Nowadays, the Congolese community consists of doctors, engineers, economists, and the list goes on.
We have an ambitious project to create a Congolese community centre to integrate all the projects that could lead to what you are calling for—unity.