I'll come back to my question, which was whether you would classify this as the beginnings of an ethnocide. Let me provide some additional context.
As well, perhaps just to your point on the persecution of ethnic minorities and the closure of religious institutions, I'd also like to note that the Jewish Crimean community no longer exists. Their synagogues were among the first religious places of worship that were shut down.
To come back to the Crimean Tatars, a century ago they were still a majority of the population, notwithstanding all the massive ethnic cleansing during the Russian Czarist occupation. Currently they're down to about 200,000 people. There has been an exodus. Their language is being suppressed, their historical cultural sites are being destroyed, and approximately a million Russian citizens have been moved into Crimea.
Is this an attempt to extinguish the only indigenous peoples of Crimea, namely the Crimean Tatars?