Let me speak from the situation I know in Canada. Among our community members, there is no single member whose parents or relatives are not in a concentration camp.
One gentleman in Montreal whose name is Erkin Haji Kuerban has 75 family members or extended family members in concentration camps right now.
In my case, I have 37 family members or extended family members in concentration camps. I haven't spoken with my mother for two years. No one has been able to communicate with their parents or loved ones for two years. It is not only Canadian Uighurs but all Uighurs around the world. China's government just turned the area into a no-communications zone, a no-rights zone. I cannot call them. They cannot call me. That is the situation. It is impossible to communicate even by text messaging or online chatting. The Chinese government basically controls the Uighurs abroad by taking their family members hostage and at the same time applying pressure to control them to serve or work for the Chinese government. So at this time, being an Uighur is a very brave thing to be.