There are other countries that are speaking up loudly. For example, the United States already has pressured to apply the Magnitsky Act, and high-level U.S. officials are already talking about the Magnitsky Act.
Not only that, but on September 13 I had a meeting in Ottawa with some government officials. It was a closed-door meeting. Basically, when I asked questions about Canada's stand on the Chinese belt and road initiative, Canada did not have any idea. This is the huge plan that the Chinese President presented as a 21st-century Marshall Plan. If it is a Marshall Plan for China, it should be of global significance, as it should be relative to Canada.
The one thing is that when the western countries are united and show a strong response, China will back down, because western democracies are still a huge market for China. China's trillion dollars did not come from Mars. It came from our streets and our malls, and it came from western markets. The Chinese share in the western market is huge—more than 60% or 70%. China's trillion dollars are coming from Canada, the U.S. and Europe, so we have more leverage to put pressure on China.
Secondly, it is important for us to stand up, because as you can see on this map today, that map basically is China's stretched arms and limbs to Europe and the Middle East and everywhere. That map is branching out from the Uighurs' homeland. That's the reason. On the south, in red, is Myanmar. That's the reason the Rohingya genocide is taking place: for China's benefit, to access the Indian Ocean by passing through the Malacca strait.
If this is the grand strategy or a Marshall Plan of China, we should have something to say on on the Chinese Marshall Plan. The United States, the United Kingdom and Germany openly oppose the plan. The United States even put some money on the table to work with countries in order to divert those participating countries from the belt and road initiative.
In Canada, we have a huge leverage around the world, if not on China, and we have to build alliances with the other global powers and work together at the UN and in other international forums.