Thank you.
I wish I had more time with you today. This is an important subject.
I just want to raise some concerns we had the other day. Global Affairs was in to speak to us. I don't know whether you heard their testimony. In light of the points you made—that there have been publicly acknowledged surveillance activities and deployment of police, that camps are now being seen as legal entities, and that there has been satellite footage of the camps for a number of months.... They were very reluctant to acknowledge that these accounts are accurate, but they were willing to acknowledge that something is going on there. They would not basically accept the overall sense that this is as serious as it is.
I'm wondering whether you have any suggestions for how we might convince the government that this is actually serious enough that they need to take action.
A secondary question is, how bad does a country have to be in violating international norms before governments such as ours should stand up to say, this is going to begin to affect the marketplace for both you and us as well?
That question is for either one of you.