I think the commission would eliminate the headache on their part of having to figure out how to create the infrastructural development and administrative institutions that have never really existed there. So it's not so much re-establishing administration as it is creating it for the first time.
The KDP finally left. They took all the peshmerga out in the fall of 2017. Since that time, over a year, we've had this vacuum, this perfect opportunity to develop these institutions. Yazidi activists have been calling for that. They've actually been meeting with officials in Baghdad, with the prime minister's office, frequently, asking that he would appoint a new kaimakam, who's the district head of Sinjar, who would then have the authority to start bringing in NGOs that could do reconstruction. The problem right now is that if I'm an NGO and I want to do reconstruction in Sinjar, I don't even have a party to go through that can authorize my work.