I would like to say that we have regular contact with my relatives. They are still in Buthidaung in Arakan State, and also some of them are in camps. What we hear from them is that the government is building concentration camps. What we mean by concentration camps is that they're building houses surrounded by an iron fence with guards. What does that mean? If we can't go back safely, then.... Does living inside an iron fence mean we can really go there? What is the guarantee?
The other thing you mentioned was the 106 people going by boat. They were fleeing to Malaysia, but the government arrested them in Yangon, in Kyauktan, and gave them NVCs. This is the other thing. What choice do they have? They have to accept the NVC, or they have to go jail.
Also, all the Rohingya people in Arakan State are very afraid, because the military comes and burns down their houses in the village. Some of them didn't leave the country. They built a hut, a small bamboo shed, and they lived there. However, now the government is trying to send them to those camps. What is the purpose?
These people are there. They should build a house. This is their land. They should stay there, but the government didn't allow that. They want to put them in the camps. This is saying that it's not honest.
We welcome the international governments for coming forward to help them, but we can't trust the Burmese government.