I'm trying to think how to answer that. This is complicated. What we are doing is following the case very closely in terms of the issue of Berta Cáceres and the investigation. They're continuing it. It's not over. At least we heard from.... I don't know what her daughter said about this to you, but certainly in the media, her daughter was saying that she felt that it looked as if some of the work that was happening was.... At least the media reports I have are positive, in the sense that they have identified people whom her mother had commented were threatening her and all of these sorts of things.
It's not clear enough to me as to how these engagements are going to play out to be able to give you a precise answer. That is what I guess I need to say. What I do know is that there's a process in place now where they're going to have to be rigorous about presenting this evidence. Of course, they're saying that they have 25 to 30 pieces of very solid forensic linking evidence right now. This is going to come out. It will be interesting to see how it's viewed. There will certainly be international comments on it. I have no doubt about that.
I don't think I'm answering your question very well.