Absolutely. I think this crisis could have been averted much earlier. As you mentioned, there were attempts before 2015 to change the constitution. As well, the government that had been in power for the past 10 years had a pattern already of human rights violations, and showed no intention of respecting political diversity. I think there was a lot of pressure from the international community, just before April 2015, on the government to convince President Nkurunziza not to present himself for another term. Diplomatically a lot of efforts were made. Perhaps they could have been stronger.
As well, the reaction seems late. We are beginning to see a reaction right now, but in my opinion there isn't enough attention paid to the crisis. If this had happened right as the attempts to change the constitution were made, perhaps we could have had a different scenario. For instance, right after the president was announced as a candidate, this was put to the constitutional court for examination. The vice-chair of the constitutional court actually fled the country—it's in the UN report, which you should be able to see—and mentioned the extreme pressure put on the judges to allow the president to run. I think that was a huge alarm bell that should have brought action at that moment.
So the short answer is yes.