Thank you very much for your presentation. It's really intriguing to hear that some of your recommendations are very similar to recommendations we heard previously this week from someone who has made Canada home, but who still has family in refugee settlements in Burundi.
I'd like to ask you two things. I want to ask you a bit more on when you talked about. I hope I'm not putting you on the spot, but you used air quotes when you talked about the renegotiations of host agreements. I thought maybe you could get into more of the nuances of that and if you thought that Canada's role in the international community now would be helpful with consistent messaging around that. I'll let you think about that for a bit.
The other question I want to ask you is about Burundi and asylum seekers who are in Canada. We've heard from a previous witness urging Canada to do whatever we can to accommodate them, and that these people can't be safely and securely returned home. I don't know if you have any insight about how you think we can facilitate that, or if you think that's something we can step up on. It sounded like your recommendation was aligned with that, so I'm asking you to enhance that.