Since the end of the last humanitarian ceasefire, and since we have been under siege, we have no food or medical supplies or fuel getting to Aleppo. A barrel of diesel fuel before the siege was around $100. Today, the price exceeds $700, and may reach $1,000. We are rationing the use of diesel.
The reserve supplies that we have, that the white helmets have, or the bakeries that provide basic services to the civilians, cannot stand for more than 20 days to one month at the maximum. Civilians are suffering more because individuals providing baked goods are being targeted as are water and electricity stations and stations providing medical services and supplies. We have a shortage of pharmaceutical products and medical supplies. We have around 200 wounded in dangerous situations who need immediate care. We need to evacuate the wounded. Otherwise, they will be dead within a few days.
Aleppo is witnessing a difficult situation. There should be serious international action. We don't need new resolutions from the UN Security Council. We don't need resolutions for political initiatives. We need immediate action to help the civilians.
We do have resolutions prohibiting the use of such weapons and explosive barrels, but these resolutions remain in vain. We need action. This did not prevent the use of explosive barrels against civilians in Aleppo. We were confronted with a very difficult situation.
The international community should act seriously and immediately to put an end to the suffering of the civilians in Aleppo. As I said, the white helmets are providing services to all Syrians. We are unbiased. There are civilians who are killed on a daily basis in Aleppo and in Syria. There are air strikes against civilians. We need to prosecute the criminals to put an end to this suffering.