We run into this all the time. People say, “What about someone who got a kidney in country X?” This happens, and I'm sure you know it happens. You sell one kidney hoping you can get your child through university or something, but there's only one country in the world where it's state run from top to bottom, and that's China.
There may be black market organ transplants in China, but they don't need them, because they have a huge system run by the government from top to bottom.
Here is one example we sometimes use. You remember I mentioned the case of the person who removed 2,000 corneas. Her husband was paid the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of U.S. dollars for doing those 2,000 operations. The doctors are very well paid, and they're not going to talk about it.
It's a whole system that can only exist with a totalitarian government. We can't stop the government of China from killing its people, unfortunately, although I honestly believe that naming and shaming has helped. I think they're at a tipping point because they're getting so much bad publicity now. There was a hearing, for example, in Germany yesterday. There's so much bad publicity for them from this that I think they may stop.
It's a small number of Canadians, probably, who are going to China, but we can at least say that Canadians are not allowed to go. You don't even have to mention China. What we can do is say that you cannot go and buy an organ somewhere outside of Canada.
Taiwan has the best legislation now. If Taiwan can do it, being so close to China and having so many people....