Before we adjourn, some members of the subcommittee have raised an issue that I want to bring before the committee to get some consensus on. There are two particular hot spots that we've reviewed over the last number of months, since this committee has been formed, and there have been flare-ups in those hot spots of late. It's something that we can seek to address maybe at the next meeting. I know have another meeting tomorrow. In particular, it's the Rohingya, and also Aleppo.
We studied the Rohingya last session, but since October 9 there has been a recurrence and an increase in violence in Myanmar, particularly targeting the Rohingya. The issue has come up about us possibly issuing a shorter joint statement on the nature of this flare-up and our feelings about it. Certainly, if we're interested in doing that and being heard on that, that's something we can discuss at the next meeting.
With regard to Aleppo, we issued our joint statement on Aleppo after our emergency hearing probably three weeks ago, but I think it's clear that there has been an escalation this past weekend that seems to be continuing, with a clear deterioration in terms of the catastrophic actions that are taking place. Maybe we can get some feedback from the analysts at the next session, but if there is a feeling that this might be a positive route to go, we can address that.
With that, we shall adjourn.