Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Ismail, thank you so much for your thought-provoking information.
I don't need to hear any more graphic detail to convince me. What I would like to hear from you is.... Because we're in shock, and we're supposed to be decision-makers and policy developers, so what kinds of practical steps can you recommend to us? You told us earlier that with some of the support that goes to government, there is corruption and there is skimming off the top. You told us about government officials and government people that are working against the Yazidis.
Instead of talking about the long term like my colleague asked you about, in the short term, is there an organization right now or a group you trust that we could make some headway with over there? I don't mean here in Canada.
Who do you work with, and what do you see as a promising partnership for us to foster some kind of relationship, so there can be real action?