The fairest solution and the only solution would be an autonomous region within federal Iraq for the Yazidis and Chaldo-Assyrians.
Now it's called the disputed area. Both the central government and the KRG government are fighting for the indigenous land. Canada was one of the countries that held that the KRG had to be a safe autonomy in 1991, and the U.S. and Europe. This is the only solution. Canada could work with other allies like the U.S., the EU, the U.K., and the UN to establish an autonomous region within Iraq.
We are not asking for a separate state. Iraq has been a federal country since 2003, and it's in article 125 of the Iraqi constitution that if the majority in the region wants an autonomous region, they should be granted it. The Yazidis and Chaldo-Assyrian Christians have been fighting for an autonomous region since 2008, with the U.S. government and the Institute for International Law and Human Rights that's based in D.C. and Brussels. We have been working closely with them, and we hope that Canada could join other allies to form this. Then, at the same time, there are many Muslims who live in the minorities' area too.
As you mentioned, to separate church from the state would be great. That can work long term, but short term, I don't think any of the Yazidis or Chaldo-Assyrian Christians would trust the Iraqi government or the KRG government, because they were not able to protect us. They didn't do it.