Seven hundred and fifty years ago, the Yazidi were estimated at 23 million. From Mesopotamia to Sumeria to Babylon to Assyria, that land has been given different names. In the past 100 years, it has been called Iraq.
Because the Yazidi are not Muslim and because our faith is based on nature, according to Islamic sharia, we're what they call “the people without book”. We are among “the people without book”. The sharia encourages them to kill, rape, and torture us until they finish us. ISIS declared on social media that they were going kill the Yazidis to the very last one.
In the west, Canada is one of those countries that claim responsibility for world affairs. We are bringing our voices and urging you to help support us so that we can survive. There is a lack of freedom, human freedom, so we need your support.
In Islamic sharia, we are considered infidels. They are encouraged to do whatever they do, and they're going to go to heaven if they do it. So, they're going to do it.