The Yazidis' life was very peaceful. The Yazidis and the Chaldo-Assyrians have lived together with the Armenians, with the Jewish community, with Zoroastrians, and with Sabians for thousands of years.
Now, in our calendar, we are celebrating the 6,766th year. We are from an ancient time, from Sumeria, to Babylon, to Assyria, to Mesopotamia, and into Iraq today. Only about 1,300 years ago, the Arabs conquered Iraq and the rest of the Middle East. Then the Turks came from Mongolia, and during the Islamic expansion, they tried to destroy all non-Muslims.
By sharia law, if you are “a people of a book”, they give you some choices. For example, Christians and Jews can pay taxes without being converted or killed. “The people without book”, like Yazidis, Hindus, or Buddhists, are given only two choices: convert or die.
I think most of you have heard what happened in 1971 to Hindu people.