I guess it's not a question of celebrating, to me, as much as acknowledging. We just had December 6 in Canada; we call it National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, and the slogan has always been “First we mourn, then we organize”.
I see December 10 as an acknowledgement of the remarkable achievements we have made—the fact that we even have human rights. It's not that long ago in history that we were unable to talk about human rights. I also think that a lot of the attacks we've been talking about come out of a backlash against many of the gains that we've made.
I agree with Professor Cotler that if we take the long view, historically...and I also agree that you have to be an optimist to work in this area. I think it's really a day we acknowledge, and we acknowledge the progress we've made. We can celebrate gains, and we can also acknowledge that there is a long way to go. That's how I view the day of December 10.