To try to understand what has been going on in Venezuela over the last 18 years, let me show you a little comparison of what's going on in the United Arab Emirates with the same amount of money that Venezuela received during that time.
Venezuela under the Chávez government and the Maduro government handled about $1.4 million of million. It's not $1.4 billion. It's $1.4 million of million, the same amount of money that countries such as Norway or the UAE received in the same period. The reserve of Norway or the Netherlands is almost $500 billion. The reserve of the UAE is almost $480 billion, but Venezuela, just $7 billion, and $3 million cash.
Why? It's because of one word, “corruption”, and mismanagement. There is a lot of corruption. It is officially informed that about $250 billion is from Venezuela. It is dirty capital, coming from corruption. They are between the United States, Europe, and even Canada. There's no place in the world where there isn't Venezuelan money from corruption in many ways.
At the time that Chávez came to power, the Venezuelan people had $80 billion in foreign exchange. Now we have about $460 billion, and the calculation of corruption is at least $250 billion. We tried to set in the administration some kind of written law in order to try to make the appropriate treaty to start to pursue such money.
If you add corruption to mismanagement, the result is that in Venezuela, with such a mountain of money, we don't have medicine, we don't have food, and we have inflation of about 1,000%. It's absolutely incredible. I can't imagine another way to destroy the country.
I want to remind you of something. In the report of the Canadian Parliament from 2012, there are so many warnings, so many alerts that this situation was going to happen. I want to put this reflection on the table, because now that the international community has reacted and produced a contention about what is going on in Venezuela, we will try to create a consciousness that the world already handled this information about corruption many years ago.
There is one more fact. In Venezuela, in Amazonas, now in the Arco Minero there is a Canadian-American company dealing with Venezuelan government in gold. The name of the company is—