I'm going to call this meeting of the subcommittee on international human rights to order.
This is a special session on a topic brought to us by MP David Anderson and MP Marwan Tabbara, the Dadaab refugee camp and its imminent closure in Kenya.
We have three guests joining us to provide testimony. Before I open the floor to them, I'm going to do a quick introduction.
Jean-Nicolas Beuze is from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the UNHCR. He's the representative in Canada. He's testified before this committee at least a couple of other times. He's going to provide testimony today on the humanitarian situation within the camp.
Abdirahman Haiye—welcome—is a first-year student at Dalhousie University. He arrived in Canada from the Dadaab refugee complex, where his family still resides. He came here in 2016. Mr. Haiye is a recipient of a World University Service of Canada scholarship. Congratulations on that.
Ahmed Mohamed is a third-year student at the University of Toronto. Welcome, Mr. Mohamed. He arrived in Canada in 2015 from the Dadaab refugee complex, where members of his immediate family reside. Mr. Mohamed is also a recipient of a World University Service of Canada scholarship. So congratulations to you as well.
I think we'll begin with Mr. Beuze, and then we will open the floor to each of you gentlemen to give us some insight into your experiences.
Thank you very much.