The majority of the people who request our help and who we manage to move to safety come from the Caribbean. Jamaica, in particular, is well documented for having LGBTQI2-S human rights abuses, where you see just horrific examples of brutality against that community.
Our ties in that community, along with a clearly organized civil society on the ground, allows us to move individuals with a good degree of success.
Other areas of concern for us are countries in Africa, such as Uganda and Nigeria, the Middle East of course, and northern Africa. We receive a number of requests from Syria, but, of course, it's very challenging to help those individuals. We have had some success when they have gone to countries like Lebanon. Of course, we helped four individuals from Syria through the Rainbow Refugee assistance program that allowed private sponsorship for those individuals.
We've always had a challenge in Iran and in eastern Europe, which has shifted remarkably in the past few months through organizing the community there to find access to individuals.