Thank you very much, Chair.
Ms. Tintori, the sympathies of all of our colleagues here, I'm certain, are with you and your family, with the suffering of Leopoldo López, particularly given his captors' continued intimidation of him in incarceration.
I'm certain Leopoldo would want us to see his life as a microcosm of everything that's happening in Venezuela. The reports that we hear are devastating—not only your testimony, but the reports we hear of physicians who can't treat patients. The numbers that you mentioned, of people losing 19 pounds in takes something like not being able to eat for 40 days during a year to lose that much weight. That is a crisis of tremendous proportions.
I want to ask—and it's possible that maybe Mr. Cotler or Mr. Genser might know this—whether our embassy on the ground is playing an observation role, so that we have Canadian officials who can give us some objective observation on what's happening there.
Also, I've heard reports that there's now been manipulation in the media. Opposition members are being shown as armed in protests, when they're not; it's being used for propaganda. Is that the case?
My third question is: I've heard also that military courts are actually being used to try civilians. Is that the case in Venezuela? Could you answer those questions, please?