Legal aid is important, yes.
A huge amount of money goes into fighting in Indian courts and in the Indian judiciary, because that is another challenge. For example, we are currently fighting this case in one of the Bombay high courts, where there was a release order given for 68 girls we rescued earlier this year. We rescued them from one of the very rural parts of the state. Unfortunately, it became difficult for us, because the majority of the money that we raise is for girls and their rehabilitation. In India, everybody wants to give money for food, education, and health, but for legal aid or better salaries, it's so difficult.
Thankfully, we have lawyers who are helping us pro bono, but still there is a massive cost to fighting this legal battle in the courts. Unfortunately, that is the only place where people feel they can get justice, and they can, but the period is so long that people get tired. A non-profit like us also feels a burden on that front.