Good afternoon.
I call to order this meeting of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights as we continue our study on sex trafficking in South Asia.
Our only witness today, David Matas, has testified before this committee already. I know that he certainly was a frequent guest at the Subcommittee on International Human Rights in the previous Parliament. Mr. Matas is an international human rights and refugee lawyer based in Winnipeg. He was awarded the Order of Canada in 2009 for his international human rights advocacy. Within Beyond Borders ECPAT Canada, he is a member of the board of directors and also provides legal counsel to the organization.
Beyond Borders ECPAT Canada is the Canadian representative of ECPAT International, a global network of 95 organizations in 86 countries committed to ending the commercial sexual exploitation of children. Mr. Matas chaired the international meetings of ECPAT International in Bangkok in 2002 and in Rio de Janeiro in 2005 and 2008.
Once again, Mr. Matas, thank you for joining us here today. If you would begin your testimony, that would be greatly appreciated.