The Government of Bangladesh right now is responding in a better way. When the attacks first started, we saw the government essentially preventing Rohingyas from entering Bangladesh. We documented some preventable deaths because of that. Some people who essentially were waiting and were without food for several days died. Some infant children died.
They are allowing people in. I did see, on the ground, Bangladesh border guards assisting Rohingyas to get to places of safety. I also witnessed average Bangladeshi citizens assisting Rohingyas who were coming and who needed help. I think moving forward, though, there are some concerns. The Government of Bangladesh and the military have announced that they will construct a refugee camp and that the Rohingyas will be denied freedom of movement. This would essentially be an internment camp. I think it's unconscionable that the authorities in Bangladesh would consider interning Rohingyas after they've survived these massacres and atrocities. I think there will need to be pressure put on the Bangladesh authorities to recognize refugee rights and to recognize the fact that refugees have rights.