That is an excellent question on an important issue.
Prior to the October 9 attacks, Aung San Suu Kyi was largely equivocal, but since then we have seen her and her office perpetuating this propaganda campaign. It's a very deadly propaganda campaign. It's getting people in the country riled up against Rohingya, and it will most likely result in more violence and more killing. That is a problem.
I think there are a number of theories. We can't get into Aung San Suu Kyi's head, but from our perspective, it is a difficult political environment. She doesn't control the military. However, her actively taking part and basically walking in lockstep with the military on this brutal campaign is problematic. We have heard dispatches from people meeting with her privately. What we're hearing about the way Aung San Suu Kyi speaks about the situation in Rakhine State is very disturbing.
It's worth noting that members of the various ethnic nationalities throughout Myanmar—and there are civil wars taking place in other parts of the country—have always had very little trust in Aung San Suu Kyi. For myself and others in the international community, it has been difficult to understand why over the years, but now, sadly, their logic makes a little bit more sense. We're not totally sure what's happening in the mind of Aung San Suu Kyi, but we do know that the outcomes are, frankly, disastrous.