Thank you. Good.
We can now get down to the work at hand, our second session on the study of human rights surrounding natural resource extraction in Latin America.
I want to welcome our two witnesses today. We have Paul Haslam. Dr. Haslam is an associate professor of international development and global studies at the University of Ottawa. His current research focuses on corporate social responsibility; resource nationalism; state-firm relations in Latin America, particularly in Argentina and Chile; and the international regulation of foreign direct investment in Latin America.
We also have Jeffery R. Webber with us. Dr. Webber is a senior lecturer at the school of politics and international relations, Queen Mary University of London. His research focuses on Latin American politics and international development studies, including the impact of extracted industries as it relates to these topics.
I want to thank both you gentlemen, particularly Dr. Webber. I know you've travelled a fair distance to be here today. We're going to give you each about eight minutes or so to provide us some testimony and then we'll open it up to my colleagues on the committee for a couple of rounds of questions.
With that, Dr. Haslam, are you okay to begin?