Thanks to the committee for the invitation to speak today.
My name is Jeffery Webber. I'm a senior lecturer in the School of Politics and International Relations at Queen Mary University of London in the United Kingdom. My academic training is in political science and political economy with a regional specialization in Latin America. Most recently, I co-authored, together with Todd Gordon of Laurier University in Brantford, a book called Blood of Extraction that was published in November 2016. Canadian mining investment and associated human rights violations in Latin America are at the centre of this book.
To begin today, I will very briefly summarize some of our key findings, but first a word on our sources.
Much of the research for the book was funded by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council grant, which allowed for extensive fieldwork throughout the region; dozens of interviews over the period from 2008 to 2013 in Guatemala, Honduras, Equador, and Venezuela; exhaustive collection and collation of access-to-information materials; a collection of statistical data from StatsCan and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean; research in databases of the online industry journal The Northern Miner; and extensive collection and review of relevant local reports from Spanish-language newspapers, NGO documents, and the reports of relevant civil society organizations throughout Mexico, Central America, the Andes, and into the southern cone. Every detail of the book is forensically documented in 1,164 endnotes so that replication or verification of our data is possible. I am also tabling this book for the panel as part of my testimony.
In terms of our findings, first there are the issues of the extraordinary scale and rate of growth of Canadian investment in mining in Latin America and the fact that the primary driver of this investment is by far and away, above all other considerations, profitability. Canada's mining industry is the largest in the world. Approximately two-thirds of the world's mining companies are based in Canada, with its permissive tax and legal regime, long mining history that has nurtured an aggressive exploration and producing sector, and unflinching foreign policy support for companies with international ambitions.
Latin America and the Caribbean accounted in 2012 for over half of Canadian mining assets held abroad, that is, $72.4 billion Canadian. The 80 Canadian mines in operation in 2012 generated a combined revenue of $19.3 billion Canadian in 2012 for Canadian companies, according to the Canadian international development platform, whose numbers are drawn from the industry database InfoMine.
According to The Northern Miner, an industry web publication database, in 2014, 62% of all producing mines in the region were owned by a company headquartered in Canada. The size and international leading role of the Canadian mining industry is no doubt the reason Toronto is the most important financial node of the global mining industry. In 2013, for example, $6.9 billion Canadian was raised in equity financing on the city's two exchanges, the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Toronto Venture, representing 84% of the global total.
The dominance of Latin America's natural resource markets has showered the owners of Canadian companies with extraordinary profits. For example, we examined the publicly available company data from Barrick, Yamana, and Goldcorp using their annual financial reports and corporate social responsibility reports.
If you look only at the earnings for mines that were still operational in 2013, 15 gold mines in total, the three largest gold mining companies by revenue were Barrick, Yamana, and Goldcorp, and they earned a combined net profit of $14.9 billion U.S. between 1998 and 2013. The rate of profit for these operating mines was an astounding 45%. With taxes and royalties factored in for Barrick, it was still an incredible 42.4%. The average rate of profit of the Canadian economy as a whole from 1998 to 2013 was 11.8%. I stress this issue of profitability because these are the high stakes that are behind Canadian firms presenting their activities as benevolent, even beneficial for Latin American communities.
The second point, following on from profit, is redistribution. Is this wealth being generated distributed? This is a central issue of human rights, although it is not always considered as such.
The typical justification for the big profits accrued is that it is not only Canadian companies that are getting rich. Rather, Canadian investment is improving the living standards of the communities where they are digging gold, silver, copper, and other natural resources from the ground.
In actuality, very little of company profits is invested in local communities. Barrick and Yamana's combined “community investment spending” part of their corporate social responsibility agendas was a mere 1.4% of net earnings in 2012, and 0.9% in 2011. Comparable figures for Goldcorp were not made publicly available by the company.
Beyond these community investments, after construction of the mines, there is very little new inflow of money from these companies into the countries in which they are operating mines. The construction costs of new mines are usually made back within a few years of the mines' operations. In other words, most of these profits leave the country after the construction period, and mining represents after that period a significant net outflow of value.
Still on this point, it is important to keep in mind as well how few jobs are created by industrial mining. For example, a recent report from the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean demonstrates that of the 12 major industries it surveys in terms of investment into Latin America, mining and oil investment created fewest jobs, with only 0.5 jobs created per $1 million U.S. invested. In short, Canadian mining companies are investing in activities that are often associated with displacement of peasant and indigenous communities, irreparable ecological damage, and wide-scale human rights abuses, violence, assassinations, and killings. This investment is generating extraordinary profit, but very few jobs and very little community reinvestment.
Third, it is also important to stress the role of Canadian government support in this process of Canadian mining expansion in Latin America. Canadian mining companies have received the steadfast support of the Canadian state, from the Prime Minister's Office to Foreign Affairs and the Canadian International Development Agency. As of 2015, Foreign Affairs, CIDA, and International Trade are now part of Global Affairs Canada, National Defence, and Natural Resources Canada.
Canadian embassies in the relevant countries in Latin America with mining industries have devoted huge amounts of their resources and staff energies to promoting and facilitating the interests of Canadian mining investment in this area. This is one of the most striking and consistent findings of the regular embassy communiqués to Ottawa and other documents we retrieved through access to information requests.
Latin America was clearly on the radar of the Jean Chrétien and Paul Martin Liberal governments of the 1990s and early 2000s, which signed the initial free trade agreements in the region as well as a series of bilateral investment treaties, or foreign investment protection agreements as they are called in Canada. These included the North American, Chilean, and Costa Rican FTAs, but foreign policy engagement in Latin America was given an extra boost and received clearer articulation under the Harper Conservatives, who signed another four FTAs while attempting to publicly and privately sketch out an agenda for Canadian intervention. There is no indication of a break in these bipartisan trends under the present Trudeau government.
Fourth, our book documents decisively that Canadian mining activities in Latin America are associated with peasant and indigenous dispossession of land, and displacement, violence, assassinations, criminalization of protest, and socio-ecological degradation of livelihoods and community environments. Our evidence suggests that this is irreducible to a few bad apples, and that it is an ongoing, systematic problem, not something resolved in the recent past.
Since we published our book, similarly robust findings have been exhaustively documented in the November 2016 publication, The “Canada Brand”: Violence and Canadian Mining Companies in Latin America, by the Justice & Corporate Accountability Project under the coordination of lawyer and legal scholar at Osgoode Hall Law School, Shin Imai. I am also submitting this report to the panel for their records as part of my testimony.
Using an intentionally conservative methodology of only reporting incidents corroborated by at least two independent sources, that report concludes that there were 44 deaths associated with Canadian mining activity between 2000 and 2015 in Latin America, and that 30 of these were targeted killings. There were also 403 injuries, 363 of which occurred during protests and confrontations with the local police, the military, or the private security of mining firms.
There were additionally 709 cases of criminalization, understood as legal complaints, arrests, detentions, and charges against individuals involved in opposition to Canadian mining activities.
In concluding, I think it is important to bring up the fact that the Mining Association of Canada has recently cited a draft scholarly article co-authored by Paul Haslam, the other witness appearing today, in order to present Canadian mining corporations in a better light than other foreign firms operating in Latin America.
I want to suggest that in its public statements, the Mining Association of Canada, hereafter referred to as MAC, has distorted the article's conclusions by very selectively drawing from its core arguments. MAC has latched on to the fact that in the article Haslam and co-authors note that “our statistical analysis suggests that Canadian firms perform slightly better, are less associated with conflict in comparison to non-Canadian firms.” However—