Mr. Pesce, you've heard those responses. I would submit to you that one reason that Canada is so unique in this is this process of dialogue facilitation. One of the reasons Canada is so unique is that, as you have pointed out, we have a disconnect, so to speak, in our government involvement, and we have not passed laws. That makes us unique. Other countries, like France and Norway, have moved forward with a structure that is a little different. I think that was some of what you were alluding to in your answer to my colleague's question about your visit to Canada, seeing that there is a bit of a disconnect with government officials.
I would like to hear from you a little more about how we can be moving forward, emulating and using some of the examples some of these other countries set. Also, seeing all of this, what do you think is the government's role? I'm hearing so much onus put on our Canadian mining companies and other aspects of industry. The onus is being put on them and it's no surprise that not only do we have a unique situation but there's a disconnect because each industry, each sector, and each personality has its own synergy. I see that as problematic, so I'd like to hear a little more from you on that.