Thank you very much for that answer.
Now, on the presentations, I was very intrigued to hear both of you, Mr. Gratton and Mr. Cheatle, in your own way express that what you're recommending and what is needed is enforceability. We need something that is enforceable. Even with a joint fact finding task force, how would we compel all of these mining companies to buy into something like this?
I believe Mr. Chalmers has had this experience within the Mining Association. Within the membership, you have those vanguard and champion members for different reasons. You have a junior mining company that's just starting up; their capital, human resources, and ability to connect with a local government, for a variety of different reasons, are vast and varied. Before we get into some of the other aspects and recommendations, I would like to hear what you're envisioning moving forward.
Is there a role for us to find words beyond it being voluntary—beyond these being voluntary mechanisms—so we have a fact finding mechanism for an ombudsman that compels the participation of all parties? In other words, should there be a means of ensuring that people are partaking in this? That's a question I'd like to hear you candidly discuss.