I'm not sure exactly what Mr. McMullen was doing in terms of the nine projects after 2014. Of course, we can't make any specific allegation about any particular company. That's why we think we need an independent investigator.
We went through these targeted killings at Tahoe. They were associated with the referenda. We know that Tahoe brought court cases to try to stop the referenda from happening. We know that Tahoe's security person shot these fleeing peasants in the back. So they are associated with the violence. There have been no arrests. I don't know how investigations work in Guatemala, but I know that the head of security for Tahoe was arrested. He was under house arrest. Then he miraculously escaped and went to Peru.
We're dealing with situations that are very difficult. If Mr. McMullen is saying, well, we didn't prove.... I mean, of course not. But look at the volume of cases. It's like smoking. Tobacco companies still deny that there's any connection between smoking and health, but if you look at the data, there's a kind of connection. That's what we're saying. In terms of the bulk of the data, we don't know which cases, but there's enough that they should be investigated.
I think it's a very good question you're asking, Mr. Anderson. I don't know if I answered it or not.