Thank you to both of you for being here.
My first question will go to Mr. Evans.
Mr. Evans, what do you think about the threshold, thoughts on a particular number when it comes to legislation and what would be required? In the United Kingdom, as you well know, the U.K. legislation mandates that, in terms of annual turnover, a business would have to have, in the equivalent of Canadian dollars, $61 million as far as annual turnover is concerned to be affected by the legislation. In Australia, what the committee is looking at now is roughly in that same range.
There have been concerns raised by the business sector in Australia. I'll read a quotation:
The executive director of the Australian Retailers Association, Russell Zimmerman, says: “Special care must be taken regarding over-regulation and impact on businesses with small turnover who do not have the resources to deal with what are very complex issues.”
How do you feel about a threshold being put in place, and where should that threshold be if that happens?