Good afternoon, colleagues.
I'm going to call this meeting of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights to order.
This is going to be the first of six sessions on child labour and modern slavery, an issue which has been raised at the foreign affairs committee, and which we are now going to be tackling at the Subcommittee on International Human Rights.
I want to welcome our two witnesses for today. Speaking first is going to be Mr. Smith. He is the senior officer for corporate social responsibility with the International Labour Organization, ILO, and has significant experience on this issue. Following him is going to be Christopher Evans, who is with us here in the committee room today. He is the government strategist for the Walk Free Foundation, a non-governmental organization committed to ending modern slavery and human trafficking.
Mr. Smith, since we have you on the line, and we know that sometimes the technology conks out on us, I'm going to ask if you would please begin with your remarks. Mr. Evans, we'll go to you right after that, and then we'll hand it over to the members of the committee for some questions.