I'll make a couple of really brief comments.
I think this is really an issue of corporate social responsibility. It's something that is talked about; these issues are talked about in the boardrooms of companies across Canada. I think that if we don't create some regime that's consistent with the highest standards of the world, we'll be seen as slipping behind in terms of the maturity and sophistication of our corporate law and the way our companies are run.
I think there's another issue that hasn't been addressed, although maybe in prior sessions it has. We are one of the leading economies in the world in the extractive sector, not just in mining in Canada, but in mining all around the world. Canadian companies are doing it, and we're the best in the world at it. It's rife with human rights abuses like this. We're starting to see class actions being brought in Canada against Canadian directors by former slaves of companies that have been operating in parts of the world where this kind of behaviour goes on.
I think that if we don't get out in front of this, we may find from a competition perspective and an economic and competitive perspective that we'll start to slip behind. It's very important, and it's something that most of our large companies are already complying with, frankly, because they are global in scope.