Stressing the importance of investing in the development of local and national law enforcement systems is a consistent theme with International Justice Mission. I believe we are able to make a case for those kinds of investments based on our success stories in Cambodia and the Philippines. We are convinced that it will turn the tide on issues like child labour, forced labour, and sexual violence against women and children. We are investing in those efforts in other areas of the world as well.
Consistently, international development agencies, including donor governments, have invested, according to our research, not much more than 1% of the total aid given in the strengthening of justice systems. We think we will experience far greater returns for our investments in other areas if we are prepared, as donor agencies and governments, to strengthen the local law enforcement systems. It often simply means providing training and resources or educating police in these countries, who often are poorly educated and poorly paid but will respond well to the need to intervene on behalf of the poor in their country if they're given some encouragement and support.