Slavery is an incredibly complex crime and actually requires systemic change. There's just not one silver bullet. There's not one rescue or one reform that will change it.
It does require a role for Canadian aid through economic development programs and the access to capital that enables people to not drop into debt, which is often a great source of people migrating economically. The role of the Canadian aid arm is critical here.
Also, picking up on the earlier question about the role of women, as IJM has already said, women and girls are disproportionately affected by the exploitation of slavery in all its many forms. Equally, in our experience on the front line, the role of women and girls to be activists, to guide other women from falling into the same things and to lead adolescent peer-led groups to become survivor-led activists in front-line NGOs, is also really critical. That is part of the systemic change that needs to happen to ensure the whole system is effectively changed.